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Research Week 2025

April 7 – 11
Event Submission Form

7 - 11

Exhibit of Student Research and Creative Activity

College of Creative Arts and Media Virtual

The Exhibit of Student Research and Creative Activity showcases exceptional mentored research and creative activity by students in the College of Creative Arts and Media.

Contact Mikylah Myers for more information.

Exhibit of Student Research and Creative Activity

Seminar: Synaptic Vesicle Transporters with Jonathan Coleman, UPitt

3:30 pm — 4:30 pm

Eberly College, Department of Chemistry Clark Hall Rm. 312

Prof. Coleman will discuss SV2 and VMAT2, focusing on conformational changes linked to neurotransmitter transport, using biochemistry and single-particle cryo-EM.

Contact Hacer Karatas Bristow for more information.

Event Info

Smart Materials and Intelligent Solutions: Exploring AI-Driven Energy Innovations

9:00 am — 1:00 pm

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering TBD

We will review the latest initiatives undertaken by WVU teams and invited speakers, showcasing how AI is driving advances in material science and deepening our understanding of energy applications.

Contact Aldo Romero for more information.


Democratizing Your Doctoral Research: Write for the Public with The Conversation US

1:00 pm — 2:00 pm

WVU Strategic Communications, Graduate Education, Eberly College Virtual

WVU doctoral students are invited to a virtual session on writing for The Conversation US, a nonprofit that connects research with the news cycle. WVU contributors will share their experiences, and The Conversation team will discuss pitching and writing.

Contact Micaela Morrissette for more information.


Beyond the Pitch: Data in Action at US Soccer

2:00 pm — 3:00 pm

College of Applied Human Sciences Virtual

We are excited to have Skye Reymond, Director of Data Science at US Soccer, share her experiences in using data to drive decision making at US Soccer. She will also share how she uses numerically-driven strategies in her career.

Contact Jessica Troilo for more information.

Zoom Link

Paths to Research––How to get Started

4:00 pm — 5:00 pm

Office of Undergraduate Research Rhododendron room at the Mountainlair

Undergraduate and graduate researchers will showcase their work and participate in a panel discussion on how to get started in research at WVU.

Contact Cinthia Pacheco for more information.

Office of Undergraduate Research

WVU Herbarium Open House

10:30 am — 1:30 pm

Department of Biology Life Sciences Building basement (by elevator)

Attendees will visit the state's largest repository of plant collections (dried, pressed botanical specimens). Staff will be present to provide tours, demonstrate processing workflow, and discuss project activities.

Contact Donna Ford-Werntz for more information.

WVU Herbarium

Finding Quantitative Research

11:00 am — 12:00 pm

Libraries TBD

Scholars starting their research journey may find searching for resources overwhelming. Librarians can help! This session will provide strategies to quickly find relevant quantitative research to make even the most daunting research questions seem easy!

Contact Terra Rogerson for more information.


Core Facilities Showcase

1:00 pm — 2:30 pm

HSC Office of Research and Graduate Education HSC Pylons

This showcase gives the WVU community a chance to meet experts working in our core facilities, and the opportunity to learn about the new resources and services that are available to support research. Please join us for food, prizes and networking.

Contact Mallory Weaver for more information.


Exploring Options: Foundation and Corporate Funding 2025

2:30 pm — 3:30 pm

WVU Foundation and the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Woodburn Rm. 211

Come find about the current landscape in foundation and corporate funding. Learn how to apply to foundations, and the differences between federal and foundation funding. Presented by Elizabeth Thompson, WVU Foundation Director of Foundation Relations

Contact LeaMarie Herron for more information.


Film Screening & Presentation

7:00 pm — 9:00 pm

Native American Studies Program, Eberly College of Arts & Sciences Field Hall Rm. 4002 (1601 University Ave.)

Film Daughter of a Lost Bird followed by "RACIALIZED: Power Structures in American Indian Transracial Adoption." Author Susan Devan Harness (Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes) shares her research on the federal Indian Adoption Program.

Contact Bonnie M. Brown for more information.

Human Rights Film Screenings

Student Research and Creative Scholarship Day

8:00 am — 5:00 pm

The Division for Land-Grant Engagement [Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, WVU Extension & Center for Community Engagement] ASB 4004, as well as lobby third floor.

Students showcase their work through both poster and oral presentations, offering attendees an opportunity to engage directly with the next generation of researchers.

Contact Jason Hubbart for more information.


A Celebration of WV's Role in the Creation of NSF on their 75th Anniversary

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm

Research Office, WVU Library, President's Office Milano Room, Wise Library

A moderated discussion with NSF-funded faculty and students and the role of WV senator Harry Kilgore in creating the agency. Moderator: Dr. Melanie Page. Panelists: Rachel Morris, Dr. Matt Campbell, Dr. Maura McLaughlin, Dr. Don Adjeroh, Dr. Erik Herron.

Contact Melanie Page for more information.

Calendar Event

Book Talk: Balloon Ace: The Life of an Early Airpower Visionary

3:00 pm — 4:00 pm

Eberly College, Department of History Chitwood Rm. 101

Join us for a conversation with WVU alum Dr. Charles Dusch, about his new book, Balloon Ace: The Life of an Early Airpower Visionary.

Contact Kate Staples for more information.


My Journey with NASA –– A Student's Perspective

4:00 pm — 5:00 pm

IMSE, NASA WV Space Grant Consortium ESB G83

Matthew Fox, Ph.D student, shares his experience with the NASA WVSGC and how the opportunities offered to students and faculty through the consortium contribute to the high-quality research conducted at WVU.

Contact Matthew Fox for more information.


Graduate Student 3MT Thesis Competition Final

6:00 pm — 8:00 pm

Office of Graduate Education and Life Virtual

The 3MT competition is a worldwide competition that challenges graduate students to explain their work in one slide and 3 minutes. Come watch and vote for the crowd favorite

Contact Betty Mei for more information.

Event Details

"The Holocaust in the East: New Archives, New Approaches" with Dr. Walke

7:30 pm — 9:00 pm

Eberly College, History Department White Hall, G09

‘Decentering Auschwitz’ has been a goal of scholarship and civic initiatives on the history of the Holocaust. Join us in exploring Holocaust Studies, East European Studies, and the Spatial Humanities. Supported by the West Virginia Humanities Council.

Contact Kate Staples for more information.

Calendar Event

CAHS Capstone and Research Poster Session

9:00 am — 10:30 am

College of Applied Human Sciences Blue and Gold Room, Towers

An opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students within CAHS to showcase and present their hard work, engage with faculty and peers, and compete for top honors.

Contact Jessica Troilo for more information.


Statler College Annual Poster Symposium

9:00 am — 1:00 pm

Statler College Research Office ESB, 1st Floor

This event showcases the Research being done at Statler College.

Contact Nancie Yost for more information.


Dr. Dong Ding from Idaho National Lab to talk about Nuclear Energy

12:00 pm — 1:00 pm

Statler College ESB Rm. G75

Contact Nancie Yost for more information.


Early Career Grant Writing

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm

College of Applied Human Sciences Applied Human Sciences Building Rm. 115

Attendees will explore grants for early career pros in education, health & human services, dive into foundation funding, gain grant writing tips, and learn institutional insights on legal & management.

Contact Peter Giacobbi for more information.


Callahan Humanities Graduate Student Workshop

4:00 pm — 6:30 pm

Eberly College, Department of History Armstrong Hall 422

The History Department will host a conversation with Callahan lecturer Dr. Walke about the relevancy of graduate coursework in the Humanities for career preparation.

Contact Kate Staples for more information.

7 - 11

Exhibit of Student Research and Creative Activity

College of Creative Arts and Media Virtual

The Exhibit of Student Research and Creative Activity showcases exceptional mentored research and creative activity by students in the College of Creative Arts and Media.

Contact Mikylah Myers for more information.

Exhibit of Student Research and Creative Activity

Seminar: Synaptic Vesicle Transporters with Jonathan Coleman, UPitt

3:30 pm — 4:30 pm

Eberly College, Department of Chemistry Clark Hall Rm. 312

Prof. Coleman will discuss SV2 and VMAT2, focusing on conformational changes linked to neurotransmitter transport, using biochemistry and single-particle cryo-EM.

Contact Hacer Karatas Bristow for more information.

Event Info

Smart Materials and Intelligent Solutions: Exploring AI-Driven Energy Innovations

9:00 am — 1:00 pm

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering TBD

We will review the latest initiatives undertaken by WVU teams and invited speakers, showcasing how AI is driving advances in material science and deepening our understanding of energy applications.

Contact Aldo Romero for more information.


Democratizing Your Doctoral Research: Write for the Public with The Conversation US

1:00 pm — 2:00 pm

WVU Strategic Communications, Graduate Education, Eberly College Virtual

WVU doctoral students are invited to a virtual session on writing for The Conversation US, a nonprofit that connects research with the news cycle. WVU contributors will share their experiences, and The Conversation team will discuss pitching and writing.

Contact Micaela Morrissette for more information.


Beyond the Pitch: Data in Action at US Soccer

2:00 pm — 3:00 pm

College of Applied Human Sciences Virtual

We are excited to have Skye Reymond, Director of Data Science at US Soccer, share her experiences in using data to drive decision making at US Soccer. She will also share how she uses numerically-driven strategies in her career.

Contact Jessica Troilo for more information.

Zoom Link

Paths to Research––How to get Started

4:00 pm — 5:00 pm

Office of Undergraduate Research Rhododendron room at the Mountainlair

Undergraduate and graduate researchers will showcase their work and participate in a panel discussion on how to get started in research at WVU.

Contact Cinthia Pacheco for more information.

Office of Undergraduate Research

WVU Herbarium Open House

10:30 am — 1:30 pm

Department of Biology Life Sciences Building basement (by elevator)

Attendees will visit the state's largest repository of plant collections (dried, pressed botanical specimens). Staff will be present to provide tours, demonstrate processing workflow, and discuss project activities.

Contact Donna Ford-Werntz for more information.

WVU Herbarium

Finding Quantitative Research

11:00 am — 12:00 pm

Libraries TBD

Scholars starting their research journey may find searching for resources overwhelming. Librarians can help! This session will provide strategies to quickly find relevant quantitative research to make even the most daunting research questions seem easy!

Contact Terra Rogerson for more information.


Core Facilities Showcase

1:00 pm — 2:30 pm

HSC Office of Research and Graduate Education HSC Pylons

This showcase gives the WVU community a chance to meet experts working in our core facilities, and the opportunity to learn about the new resources and services that are available to support research. Please join us for food, prizes and networking.

Contact Mallory Weaver for more information.


Exploring Options: Foundation and Corporate Funding 2025

2:30 pm — 3:30 pm

WVU Foundation and the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Woodburn Rm. 211

Come find about the current landscape in foundation and corporate funding. Learn how to apply to foundations, and the differences between federal and foundation funding. Presented by Elizabeth Thompson, WVU Foundation Director of Foundation Relations

Contact LeaMarie Herron for more information.


Film Screening & Presentation

7:00 pm — 9:00 pm

Native American Studies Program, Eberly College of Arts & Sciences Field Hall Rm. 4002 (1601 University Ave.)

Film Daughter of a Lost Bird followed by "RACIALIZED: Power Structures in American Indian Transracial Adoption." Author Susan Devan Harness (Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes) shares her research on the federal Indian Adoption Program.

Contact Bonnie M. Brown for more information.

Human Rights Film Screenings

Student Research and Creative Scholarship Day

8:00 am — 5:00 pm

The Division for Land-Grant Engagement [Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, WVU Extension & Center for Community Engagement] ASB 4004, as well as lobby third floor.

Students showcase their work through both poster and oral presentations, offering attendees an opportunity to engage directly with the next generation of researchers.

Contact Jason Hubbart for more information.


A Celebration of WV's Role in the Creation of NSF on their 75th Anniversary

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm

Research Office, WVU Library, President's Office Milano Room, Wise Library

A moderated discussion with NSF-funded faculty and students and the role of WV senator Harry Kilgore in creating the agency. Moderator: Dr. Melanie Page. Panelists: Rachel Morris, Dr. Matt Campbell, Dr. Maura McLaughlin, Dr. Don Adjeroh, Dr. Erik Herron.

Contact Melanie Page for more information.

Calendar Event

Book Talk: Balloon Ace: The Life of an Early Airpower Visionary

3:00 pm — 4:00 pm

Eberly College, Department of History Chitwood Rm. 101

Join us for a conversation with WVU alum Dr. Charles Dusch, about his new book, Balloon Ace: The Life of an Early Airpower Visionary.

Contact Kate Staples for more information.


My Journey with NASA –– A Student's Perspective

4:00 pm — 5:00 pm

IMSE, NASA WV Space Grant Consortium ESB G83

Matthew Fox, Ph.D student, shares his experience with the NASA WVSGC and how the opportunities offered to students and faculty through the consortium contribute to the high-quality research conducted at WVU.

Contact Matthew Fox for more information.


Graduate Student 3MT Thesis Competition Final

6:00 pm — 8:00 pm

Office of Graduate Education and Life Virtual

The 3MT competition is a worldwide competition that challenges graduate students to explain their work in one slide and 3 minutes. Come watch and vote for the crowd favorite

Contact Betty Mei for more information.

Event Details

"The Holocaust in the East: New Archives, New Approaches" with Dr. Walke

7:30 pm — 9:00 pm

Eberly College, History Department White Hall, G09

‘Decentering Auschwitz’ has been a goal of scholarship and civic initiatives on the history of the Holocaust. Join us in exploring Holocaust Studies, East European Studies, and the Spatial Humanities. Supported by the West Virginia Humanities Council.

Contact Kate Staples for more information.

Calendar Event

CAHS Capstone and Research Poster Session

9:00 am — 10:30 am

College of Applied Human Sciences Blue and Gold Room, Towers

An opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students within CAHS to showcase and present their hard work, engage with faculty and peers, and compete for top honors.

Contact Jessica Troilo for more information.


Statler College Annual Poster Symposium

9:00 am — 1:00 pm

Statler College Research Office ESB, 1st Floor

This event showcases the Research being done at Statler College.

Contact Nancie Yost for more information.


Dr. Dong Ding from Idaho National Lab to talk about Nuclear Energy

12:00 pm — 1:00 pm

Statler College ESB Rm. G75

Contact Nancie Yost for more information.


Early Career Grant Writing

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm

College of Applied Human Sciences Applied Human Sciences Building Rm. 115

Attendees will explore grants for early career pros in education, health & human services, dive into foundation funding, gain grant writing tips, and learn institutional insights on legal & management.

Contact Peter Giacobbi for more information.


Callahan Humanities Graduate Student Workshop

4:00 pm — 6:30 pm

Eberly College, Department of History Armstrong Hall 422

The History Department will host a conversation with Callahan lecturer Dr. Walke about the relevancy of graduate coursework in the Humanities for career preparation.

Contact Kate Staples for more information.